The Sleep Apnea Evaluation Quiz is an important tool designed to both quickly and easily determine if a sleep disorder could possibly be present or be a factor in your overall health and well being.
Sleep apnea is an extremely serious condition that causes a person to wake up constantly throughout the night from respiratory disturbances like sleep apnea (when you stop breathing). Sleep apnea will cause medical conditions to occur, and existing medical conditions to worsen or make more difficult for you and your doctor to manage. Hypertension (high blood pressure, eventually renal failure), diabetes, heart failure, and stroke are very common in people who suffer from sleep apnea.
Taking this quiz and the results provided in no way substitutes for a medical assessment or diagnostic procedure, but serves as a useful guide to help focus future consultations.
Begin the evaluation by answering the first question below:
0 = would never dose
1 = slight chance of dozing 2 = moderate chance of dozing
3 = high chance of dozing
Chance of dozing
Sitting and reading
Watching TV
Sitting, inactive in a public place (theatre, meeting)
As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break
Lying down to rest in the afternoon when time permits
Sitting and talking to someone
Sitting quietly after a lunch w/out alcohol
In a car, while stopped for a few minutes
Your score indicates you may not have OSA. If you feel you have symptoms, consult with Dr. Gracia or your personal care physician.
Your answers to these questions indicate that you may be at risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. You should consult with your physician and Dr. Gracia to see what treatment options are available to you.
Dr. Gracia is qualified to evaluate and screen you for OSA. He can refer you to the appropriate physician and work with a medical team to explore the best treatment option for you. Call 508-285-9333 if you would like to arrange a personal consultation with Dr. Gracia.
With a score of less than 5 your partner may not suffer from OSA. If you feel they have some symptoms, consult Dr. Gracia or your personal care physician.
A score of 5 or greater indicates symptoms which are affecting the health, safety, or quality of life of the observed person.
Dr. Gracia is qualified to evaluate and screen them for OSA. He can refer you to the appropriate physician and work with a medical team to explore the best treatment option. Call 508-285-9333 if you would like to arrange a personal consultation with Dr. Gracia.